River Legacy Foundation & Park



First Gift

  • First gift of 204 acres was donated from descendants of Arlington pioneer James Gibbins, Berta Rose Brown and Margaret Rose May.


Additional Gifts

  • Additional 171 acres was donated by the Ryan Companies, Perry R. Bass and Texas Industries.
  • Private donations of $100,000 are received, reflecting the vision of forward-thinking citizens who could see the value of the parks.


Grants Secured

  • Grants totaling $2.45 million secured to begin development of the land.


River Legacy Foundation established

  • A unique public/private partnership between a 501(c)(3)nonprofit organization and the city of Arlington. The name River Legacy Parks is adopted to indicate the importance of conserving resources for future generations.



Phase I Opening

  • The 375-acre River Legacy Parks opened to the public with Phase I of the master plan completed in June. Design and construction standards were set high from the outset in the effort to distinguish River Legacy as the City’s flagship park. Approximately $3,000,000 in grants, city bond funds, and private donations secured through River Legacy Foundation were utilized to enhance the property.
  • First visitors to Phase I of River Legacy Park explorers trails, river overlooks, picnic areas, playground, concession/restroom building and basic infrastructure consisting of roadways, signage and lighting.



Phase II construction

  • Approximately $1,000,000, added a grand picnic pavilion, park benches, additional roadways, shade and trail enhancements and extensive tree plantings in the Park.
  • River Legacy Parks East is constructed, adding 49 acres to the park.



Texas Rangers Contributions

  • The Texas Rangers Baseball Club donates $100,000 proceeds from its Ballpark in Arlington Opening Gala and the River Legacy Foundation launches its Nuts About Nature Fund Raising Campaign. The Texas Rangers loaned the Foundation their Construction Manager, Jack Hill, to manage the construction of the Living Science Center



Nature Center Groundbreaking

  • In July, the whole city celebrated the groundbreaking for the nature center following the successful campaign to raise $4.5 million in private contributions to make the dream a reality.



Nature Center Opened

  • Construction was completed on a $4,700,000 facility to house the Foundation's multi-facet environmental education programs. A total of $4,200,000 was raised through private sources, with the City of Arlington contributing an additional $500,000 in bond funds. The Living Science Center opened to the public on July 2, 1996 and River Legacy Foundation deeded the Center to the City of Arlington as its gift to the community. The Foundation holds a management services contract to operate and provide Living Science Center education programs.
  • Setting is on River Legacy Parks edge to preserve and protect areas critical for wildlife habitat and plants.
  • Location respects natural systems and existing topography.



Sustainable Design Awards

  • Architects, Neal & Eddie Jones from Jones Studio, Inc received a prestigious design award for their one-of-kind sustainable design of the Living Science Center from The American Institute of Architects (AIA Arizona).


Margaret Galloway Small Organization of the Year

  • Total area of the parks reaches 1,308 acres, the result of land donations over the years.
  • River Legacy Foundation received the Margaret Galloway Small Organization of the Year from STARS (Star-Telegram Awards Recognizing Service).



Paved Trinity Trails Open

  • Eight miles of continuous paved trail along the Trinity River opened with the completion of a $2.4 million capital improvement project in River legacy parks. Through a $1.2 million grant from Texas Parks and Wildlife, $940,000 from the City of Arlington, $100,000 from River Legacy Foundation and in-kind services from Tarrant County, Arlington’s portion of the Trinity Trails is now complete.



Phase I Exhibit Renovations Completed

  • Phase I of River Legacy Living Science Center exhibit renovations are completed, providing larger, more accessible natural habitats for our native animals on display. The exhibit facade was designed to replicate the layers of the riverbank along with Trinity River and the plants, animals and fossils that can be found in each layer to extend the educational experience for guests.



Discover Room Finished

  • Phase II of a $2.5 million River Legacy Living Science Center exhibit hall renovation was completed in the Nature Center, now called the Discovery Room. Approximately $2 million was raised through private sources secured from the River Legacy Foundation, with the Arlington Tomorrow Foundation contributing an additional $250,000 and Jones Foundation $200,000..
  • River Legacy Foundation received Outstanding Non Profit Organization of the year from the City of Arlinton’s Chamber of Commerce.



35th Anniversry

  • Now largest provider of environmental science in North Texas for more than 1,000,000 environmental stewards in its history.

Our Sponsors & Donors

River Legacy’s Mission only becomes a reality because YOU work alongside us.

Last year, River Legacy Nature Center facilitated more than 35,000 experiences for individuals across all age groups— children, teens, adults, and seniors—to explore nature.The Nature Center is a fantastic community resource, offering educational programs and a place for those seeking a tranquil retreat.

Consider supporting us today!

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