How to Make a DIY Bird Feeder Using Natural Logs

January 23, 2025
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We’re excited to share some creative and budget-friendly ways to attract birds to your yard without the need for fancy or expensive bird feeders. 

At River Legacy, we love incorporating natural elements into our birdwatching areas, and one of our favorite techniques involves using simple logs to create effective bird feeders.

Natural Log Bird Feeders

Instead of purchasing commercial feeders, consider using logs from trees that have been cut down. 

We took some logs, hollowed out a dish-like cavity using a chainsaw and grinders, and drilled a small hole in the bottom to allow rainwater to drain out. This ensures the seeds stay dry and don’t get clogged up. We filled these natural feeders with sunflower seeds, and they’ve been a hit with our local birds! These feeders are easy for birds to access and blend beautifully into the natural surroundings.

Suet Feeder Logs

Another fantastic idea is to create a suet feeder using smaller logs. By hollowing out a section along the length of the log with a router or chisel, you can create a slot for suet. Simply hang the log using screw eye hooks and some chain, and fill the slot with homemade or store-bought suet. Suet is particularly attractive to birds like blue jays, which might not be as interested in regular seeds. This natural feeder provides a high-energy food source for birds, especially during colder months.

Both of these DIY projects are not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly, utilizing natural materials that would otherwise go to waste.

Give them a try and enjoy watching a variety of birds flock to your yard!
