We are open Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm

River Legacy Foundation 2024 Art Contest

May 1, 2024 – July 31, 2024
*Submissions must be in by July 31 @ 11:59pm*

River Legacy Foundation’s art contest focuses on Texas native flora and fauna and invites students of all ages to explore and study nature on their own.

Drawing, painting, and sketching naturally leads us to be observant and encourages us to look closer… making art one of the many tools we can use to inspire children to keep exploring and learning about nature wherever they find it!

Draw or paint a Texas native animal and/or plant
and submit your work for a chance to win an amazing prize!



  • All students in Pre-K (ages 3 & 4) through 12th grade in the 2023-2024 school year.
  • Winner must be able to pick up the prize in person at River Legacy Nature Center.


  • Subject must be a Texas native animal and/or plant. 
  • Artwork may be created with or with a combination of crayons, markers, ink, pencil, charcoal, pastels, oils, acrylics and watercolor.
  • Photography and digital art submissions will not be accepted.
  • Art Piece must be 8.5″x11″.


  • Each artist is required to complete a Submission and Release Form for their piece. 
  • Only ONE entry per artist.
  • Must be the artist’s original work.



Send your artwork and Submission & Release form to contest@riverlegacy.org


Click the button below to upload your artwork and fill out the online Submission & Release Form.


Turn in your artwork and Submission & Release Form at the Nature Center!

703 NW Green Oaks Blvd. Arlington, TX 76006

Not sure what's native? Choose from the lists below:

Road Runner

Great Blue Heron


Yellow Columbine


Indian Blanket

Purple Coneflower

Pecan Tree

Southern Magnolia

Green Tree Frog

Leopard Frog

Spotted Salamander

American Alligator

Texas Tortoise

Horned Lizard

9-banded Armadillo

Jack Rabbit


Guadalupe Bass


Texas Cichlid


Mason Bees

Gulf Fritillary


If you have questions about your plant/animal choice, just email and ask!

Check out the 2023 winners:

American Alligator

Weston Ireland
Mexican Free-tailed bat

Lea Martel
Ruby throated hummingbird

Ryanne Mechlaoui
Great Blue Heron

Honorable Mentions:

Gem Gomez
Monarch butterfly
Monarch Garner
Copperhead and Lantana urticodes
Kyah Carrasco
Bobcat and Indian blankets
Anya Quinn
Jack Rabbit, armadillo & Roadrunner
Amy Nhan
Great Blue Heron
Grace Latta
Great Blue Heron

LIFETIME LEARNERS – East Arlington Recreation Center Senior Adult Group

Each year, Get Creative With What’s Native encourages students to use art as a tool to learn about their native environment through observation. This year, some members of the East Arlington Rec. Center’s Senior Adult group chose to embody the spirit of lifelong learning by participating in our contest. We hope their participation serves as an example to younger generations that the journey of learning is one that endures throughout every stage of life!

Sunnie Drouin
Sonia Calderon
Linda Trimm
Joan Lange

Interested in being a sponsor?

Contact Becky Nussbaum Gerro via email at becky@riverlegacy.org